You always want to go to a movie theater to enjoy your weekends.
But wait! Movie theaters are bed bug heavens! Majority of movie theaters are infested with bed bugs.
10 News Reported that Hollywood movie theater is infested with bed bugs. Needless to say, they have a proof!
This is the story of thousands of movie theaters across the country.
These little pests can turn your enjoyment into a nightmare. Any time if there is rodent or bed bugs present in the movie theater there is a potential to transfer diseases to guest. So there is always a risk.
Bed bugs are the fastest growing pest control emergency in the developed world. The problem is not even going away! It is getting worse
Before going to any theater, check their report on Bed bug registry which is a free, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from US and canada.
If you found any bed bug report of theater you planning to visit, cancel your plan right away!
Aside from checking on bed bug registry website, find online reviews about movie theater you are planning to visit.

Search on google: movie theater name review and you can find a ton of information and reviews. Read a couple of reviews and you might find some complaints about bed bug infestation.
A few minutes of research can save you a lot of bed bug bites and psychological trauma and on top of that, bringing these little pests to your home and cause a big problem. I researched and found a lot of horror stories of bed bug and rodent infestation in different theater all around the world
Before sitting for a full movie, see if you can find any of these signs for a potential bed bug infestation.
Table of Contents
Bed bug signs in Movie
Blood stains: inspect your chair thorughly if you can find any blood stains, there is a bed bug infestation! This is the easiest way to find bed bug infestation and almost anyone can do it.
You might be wondering why bed bug leave blood stains ? a) Once they bite humans, it can bleed for sometime which can transfer to theater furniture. b) If you hit bed bug unintentionally it get killed and make blood stains. c) Its feces looks like blood stains because blood is their bread and butter!
Bring a Flash Light: Most theater close their lights during the movie. bring a flashlight with yourself or use your cell phone flashlight to see if there are any blood stains and report it immediately !
Dark and Rusty Type of Spots
Look for these type of spots on chair, walls and on the ground. If you find any suspicious type of spots, investigate it further. If you found these type of spots, there is high chance of bed bug infestation. These rusty spots can be easily found if you use a flashlight.
Bed bug Odor:
Some people can smelly pretty good. Bed bug odor smells like coriander so if you notice this sort of smell, contact their staff immediately. Says Chief Editor at a word of spa
it can help yo to understand how bed bug odor smells like. This content piece can really expand your understanding of bed bug odor.
How to control Bed Bugs
if you are a movie theater owner or work for them, you have several different options to control bed bugs. Bed bug spray and traps can work if you have a small infestation. But if you are getting lot of complaints and you can’t control it yourself, you must contact pest control professional to control the situation.
Further Reading How to get rid of bed bugs permanently. It takes lot of time to investigate and clean off your house or commercial building from bed bugs, that is the reason it is too expensive. Professional pest control company might charge you thousands of dollars. But it is well worth it because severe bed bug infestation can make a huge dent on your reputation.
Why are bed bug attracted to movie theater
You find bed bugs and other pests in movie theater because of trash people throw away below the seats. They throw popcorn and candies and socks all over the place all day long. And if theater staff is fast enough, it can catch pest infestation pretty quickly.

Rodents and Bugs Spotted at Movie Theaters In ontario, CA Image Source Bed bugs aren’t attracted to trash but other pest do. There are a lot of media reports of rodent infestation in different theaters across the US. Keep in mind, bed bug aren’t the only pest you can find in theaters, there are all types of rodents and cockroaches found in movie theaters.
Bed bugs are often found in places where people come from a variety of different places. They hitchhike through clothes, purses and person belonging. For the reason theater gets thousands of guests each day, there is a high chance of bed bug infestation in public places like movie theaters, hotels, bus stations etc.
Bed bugs can’t jump or fly, they only crawl! These places are also a source of bed bug infestation to other houses. That is the reason why Aug-September is peak season for bed bugs because most travelers return from their trip bringing thousands of bed bugs in their clothes and luggage. Good News: According to CDC, Bed bugs do not spread any diseases.
At Least scientist do not found any evidence of bed bug diseases so for. However, severe bites can cause skin irritation in certain individuals. Even though 50% of humans can’t even notice a bed bug bite! Prevent bringing in bed bugs from a movie theater Belive it or not, you can bring bed bugs from a movie theater to your home using your cloths and other belongings. Before letting these small insects invading your home, wash out and dry all your cloths before putting it into your room.
Don’t enter your home with the same clothes and other stuff you bring from a movie theater. Otherwise, you are inviting these creatures to invade your home and bite you day in day out.