Imagine a situation where you unexpectedly encounter a cockroach, a tenacious and resilient invader, while navigating your own kitchen in the quiet hours of the night. This is not a mere annoyance but a possible threat to your health.

Now, consider the possibility of a solution that is as effective as it is simple, capable of ensuring these unwelcome visitors become a thing of the past.

Stay with us as we delve into the world of cockroach traps, a realm that is as diverse and nuanced as the very species it seeks to control.

Top Pick
Top Pick
Top Pick
Hot Shot Ultra Liquid Roach Trap
Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap
Combat Max Roach Killing Bait Station
active ingredients
Adhesive Glue
4 Weeks
pet safe
Yes, when used as directed
United Industries
Black Flag
target species
item form
Liquid trap
item count
6 Bait Stations
12 Traps
18 Pack
item weight
0.16 Oz
15.5 Oz
4.16 Oz
4 months
12 Months
pet safe
item form
Top Pick
active ingredients
4 Weeks
pet safe
Yes, when used as directed
United Industries
target species
item form
Liquid trap
item count
6 Bait Stations
item weight
0.16 Oz
Top Pick
active ingredients
Adhesive Glue
4 months
pet safe
Black Flag
target species
item form
item count
12 Traps
item weight
15.5 Oz
Top Pick
active ingredients
12 Months
pet safe
target species
item form
item count
18 Pack
item weight
4.16 Oz

Our Top Pick

Our Top Pick, the “Hot Shot Ultra Liquid Roach Trap”, stands out due to its potent food and water-attracting formula that begins working within a few hours.

Notably, it eradicates both roaches and their eggs, effectively addressing the root of the infestation.

With six bait stations included, it is praised for its quick and efficient performance and straightforward usage, making it a user-friendly solution to persistent pest problems.

Buying Guide

Cockroach traps are specifically designed mechanisms to capture and eliminate cockroaches from your environment.

They typically work by attracting cockroaches to a bait often laced with a poison, which the cockroach carries back to its nest, spreading the poison and exterminating the population.

Here is a generalized buying guide to help you make an informed decision:

  • Effectiveness: Look for traps with a proven record of effectively trapping and killing cockroaches. Check product reviews and ratings to gain insights about their effectiveness.
  • Safety: Ensure the trap is safe to use, especially around children and pets. Some traps may contain toxic substances that can be harmful if ingested or touched.
  • Ease of Use: The trap should be easy to set up and dispose of. Traps that require complicated assembly or are difficult to clean can create more hassle than they’re worth.
  • Coverage Area: Depending on the size of your infestation, you might need a trap that can cover a large area. Check the specifications of the trap to ensure it can cover the area you need it to.
  • Price: Compare prices and consider the cost-effectiveness of the trap. An inexpensive trap might seem like a good deal, but you’ll spend more in the long run if it’s ineffective.
  • Ingredients: Check the active ingredients used in the trap. Some people may prefer traps that use more natural ingredients, while others may want a trap with a potent pesticide to ensure effectiveness.
  • Longetivity: Consider how long the trap lasts before it needs to be replaced. Some traps may only last a few days, while others may last for several weeks.

1. Hot Shot Ultra Liquid Roach Trap


  • The poison is safely contained, and the container is transparent, so it’s easy to see when it’s running low.
  • Small, tidy, and inconspicuous containers that are easy to prepare and assemble.
  • The plastic cover prevents pets from getting poisoned.
  • Doesn’t have an odor.


  • Users must regularly check the bait to ensure there’s still liquid inside, or roaches will return.
  • The liquid can spurt out a bit when opening the seal.
  • It may not be suitable for severe infestations without additional pest control methods.
HotShot Liquid Roach Bait

Hot Shot Ultra Liquid Roach Bait is a powerful tool in the fight against roach infestations. Manufactured by United Industries, a well-known brand in the pest control industry, this product employs the active ingredient Dinotefuran to eliminate roaches.

The bait attracts roaches with food and water, a rarity among roach traps that typically only include food. This dual attraction increases the effectiveness of the trap, as it targets roaches’ primary survival needs.

The bait stations are easy to place, facilitating use in any area where roaches are found. However, they need to be replaced once the liquid is depleted, usually after a month of use. This depends on how quickly roaches deplete the bait.

Users need to be careful to place the stations out of the way of curious pets and children, as the bait is toxic in large quantities.

Product Specs

  • Active Ingredients: Dinotefuran
  • Longevity: 4 Weeks
  • Pet safe: Yes, when used as directed
  • Manufacturer: United Industries
  • Target Species: Roaches
  • Item Form: Liquid trap
  • Item Count: 6 Bait Stations
  • Item Weight: 0.16 Oz

Customer Reviews

The Hot Shot Ultra Liquid Roach Bait has received an overall positive response from customers, with a 4.4 out of 5 rating from over 1,200 reviews.

Users have praised the product for its effectiveness in eliminating roaches, noting significant reductions in roach populations in a short time.

Some customers also highlighted the discreet and functional design of the product.

However, there were a few negative reviews, with one user stating that the product failed to attract any roaches.

Instructions to Use

  1. Open the package and remove the roach trap.
  2. Place the trap in an area where roaches have been spotted or are likely to frequent, such as the kitchen or bathroom.
  3. Leave the trap undisturbed; roaches will be attracted to the bait inside.
  4. Replace the trap after several weeks or once it is full of dead roaches.
  5. Repeat the process as needed until the roach problem is under control.
  6. Always follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.


Negative 19
Neutral 27
Positive 49

2. Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap


  • The trap comes pre-baited and ready to use, requiring no additional setup.
  • The strong adhesive glue on the trap surface prevents the pests from escaping.
  • Non-toxic to humans and pets:


  • Glue can dry out over time.
  • Not effective on larger pests:
Roach Motel

The Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap is a reputable product designed to combat roach infestations and other small insect problems.

Manufactured by Black Flag, a well-known brand in pest control, this trap offers a straightforward and chemical-free approach to eliminating pests from your home.

The active ingredient in the Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap is a strong adhesive glue that effectively immobilizes roaches and prevents them from escaping.

With its compact design and ease of use, the Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap can be conveniently placed in areas where pests are commonly found, such as kitchens, bathrooms, or basements.

The trap’s sticky surface lures roaches and other small insects, ensuring that they are trapped and unable to infest your living spaces.

Although the visibility of trapped pests may be unsettling for some users, it serves as a visible indicator of the trap’s effectiveness.

This reliable pest control solution is popular for households seeking an efficient and non-toxic method to combat roach infestations.

Product Specs

  • Active Ingredients: Adhesive Glue
  • Longevity: 4 months
  • Pet safe: Yes
  • Manufacturer: Black Flag
  • Target Species: Roaches
  • Item Form: Trap
  • Item Count: 12 Traps
  • Item Weight: 15.5 Oz

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews for the Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap vary, as is the case with most products.

However, many customers have praised its effectiveness in trapping roaches and other small insects.

Some users have reported that the trap is easy to set up and provides visible proof of its efficacy.

However, a common concern mentioned by reviewers is the unsightly appearance of trapped pests, which can be off-putting for some users.

Overall, the consensus is that the Black Flag TAT Roach Motel Trap is a practical and reliable solution for pest control.

Instructions to Use

  1. Open the package and remove the trap.
  2. Place the trap in an area where pests have been observed.
  3. Monitor the trap regularly for trapped pests.
  4. Replace the trap every four months or sooner if it becomes full.
  5. Dispose of the trap responsibly when full or no longer effective.


Negative 11
Neutral 19
Positive 33

3. Combat Max Roach Killing Bait Station


  • User-friendly and convenient
  • Swift and effective roach elimination
  • Child-resistant for safety around pets
  • Long-lasting prevention of roach recurrence


  • Slow initial results, cleanliness required, and possible limitations against larger roaches or persistent nests

Combat is an effective roach killer that eliminates both small and large roaches.

It contains a powerful insecticide called Fipronil and is recommended for larger infestations.

Simply place the bait trap in infested areas, such as kitchen cabinets and sinks, and it will significantly reduce the infestation within a few weeks.

Combat works by attracting roaches with food mixed with Fipronil, which they take back to their nest, spreading the poison and killing other roaches in the process.

It doesn’t need to trap every roach individually, as its effectiveness compounds over time.

Regular cleaning of dead roaches is necessary to maintain its efficiency.

Product Specs

  • Active Ingredients: Fipronil
  • Longevity: 12 Months
  • Pet safe: No
  • Manufacturer: Combat
  • Target Species: Roaches
  • Item Form: Baits
  • Item Count: 18 Pack
  • Item Weight: 4.16 Oz

Customer Reviews

Combat Max 12 Month Roach Killing Bait is a highly effective and easy-to-use product for eliminating roaches.

Available in an 18-count pack, the bait stations are child-resistant and can be conveniently placed throughout the home. While it may attract more roaches in some cases, caution should be exercised around pets due to the bait’s scent.

Results may vary, with some users experiencing slower effectiveness or limited efficacy against larger roaches or persistent nests.

Overall, it serves as a reliable option for combating roaches, but maintaining cleanliness and ensuring product freshness is important for optimal performance.

Instructions to Use

  • Don’t let your kids play with these bait stations. They are a hazard to humans and domestic animals, so use them with care.
  • Remove dead roaches weekly or bi-weekly.
  • Read the label before using the product! It’s obvious but often ignored. Taking a few minutes to read the product label can protect you from health issues.
  • Break baits apart and place them where you see infestation, usually beneath kitchen cabinets, sinks, and in cracks and crevices.
  • Look at the diagram on the label for a better understanding of how to apply it. It’s self-explanatory.
  • Replace all baits after one year. They provide 12 months of protection.


Negative 48
Neutral 75
Positive 50

4. Stingmon Cockroach Bait Traps


  • It is possible to re-use the sticky surface’s peel-off cover


  • Traps may collect dust and hair

Stingmon Cockroach Bait Traps are potent pest control products designed to eliminate cockroach infestations.

They contain active ingredients such as hydramethylnon and fipronil. Hydramethylnon disrupts cockroaches’ metabolic processes, while fipronil targets their nervous system as a neurotoxin. These ingredients work together to effectively control and eliminate roach populations.

Stingmon Cockroach Bait Traps are manufactured by Stingmon Pest Control, a trusted company known for producing high-quality pest management solutions.

Their products undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and efficacy, making them a reliable choice for homeowners and professionals seeking effective cockroach control.

Product Specs

  • Active Ingredients: Hydramethylnon & Fipronil
  • Longevity: 4 Months
  • Pet safe: Yes
  • Manufacturer: Stingmon
  • Target Species: Roaches
  • Item Form: Baits
  • Item Count: 12 Baits
  • Item Weight: 8.4 Oz

Customer Reviews

The 12-Pack Cockroach Trap provides a degree of efficacy in capturing a handful of cockroaches, yet it doesn’t assure substantial outcomes.

A few users have observed that certain roaches might not adhere to the paper, which curtails the trap’s overall effectiveness. Moreover, the trap’s potency may decrease over time as it gathers dust and hair.

The package allows for the reuse of the sticky surface’s peel-off cover but lacks included bait. It’s crucial to keep in mind that no product can provide an absolute guarantee of fully eliminating cockroaches.

Considering alternatives like boric acid might prove more effective, and the importance of maintaining proper cleanliness cannot be overstated.

Thus, while this product does provide some degree of help, it should not be viewed as a complete roach eradication solution.

Instruction to use

  1. Open the trap in the box.
  2. Peel off the protective cover.
  3. Put the attractant in the middle. You can use peanut butter, spoiled pastries, fruits, sugar, and bread crumbs.
  4. Fold it into a house shape according to the fold line design.
  5. Then place the roach traps where you found roaches and other crawling insects.

How Do Cockroach Traps Work?

Cockroach traps operate by attracting roaches with bait, often food or pheromones, into a containment area where they get trapped.

The interior of the trap is usually coated with an adhesive substance that prevents the roaches from escaping.

Thus, the trap effectively captures and kills cockroaches, helping to control infestations.

Cockroach Traps vs. Sprays: A Comparison

Cockroach traps and sprays serve different functions.

Traps lure and trap roaches, providing a passive, long-term solution for monitoring and controlling infestations.

Sprays, on the other hand, offer immediate results by killing roaches on contact, but they don’t necessarily treat an underlying infestation.

Both have merits depending on the situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for roach traps to work?

It depends; bait traps can take days to weeks, while glue traps work faster.

Are roach traps safe to use around pets and children?

Yes, most are safe but should be placed out of easy access.

Can I use roach traps outdoors?

Some traps can be used outdoors. Check the product label.

How often should I replace my roach traps?

It varies, bait traps when the bait is depleted, glue traps when full, or less sticky.

Can I use roach traps as my only method of roach control?

Traps can be effective but are best used with other roach control methods.